If you are here, you have reached a point where you want change. Whether you are in your early menstruating years or entering the later stages you are in the right place.
This is for women who want less physical monthly pain, reduce the rollercoaster of emotions, to feel more in balance, voice what you and have more harmony in your life.
We will work with the wisdom of your body and what is happening in your life bringing in Ayurveda, Energy healing, Womb massage and a gentleness to create rhythm and calm.

Period Pain & Emotional PMS
While physical pain often combined with mental and emotional monthly rollercoasters are common, they are not what you are destined to.
When we dread our period or ovulation understandably we blame our body. Tension builds and becomes stuck in our body and womb area, so each month it creates more stress, pain and trauma.
The cycle needs to be broken so you can enjoy your life and menstrual health. This is absolutely possible.

Fertility & Pregnancy
You may be at the start of your journey and want to be informed, taking a holistic and natural route, you may have exhausted all other avenues or you wish to support yourself with complementary practices.
Whatever your reason you and your partner can create sessions to include menstrual health awareness, lifestyle influence,, energy and abdominal therapy.

Menstrual Cycle Education
There are four phases of our monthly cycle, where our physical capability, our mental capacity and emotional responses have a rhythm which we can influence and nourish. When you know this cycle we can choose how we want to experience our menstrual cycle every month. I offer 121 and group sessions to explain and guide you back to a healthy cycle, along with supporting videos available on an online portal for your convenience.